- Calaméo - Spro 2 Rods 18 Uk

- Calaméo - Spro 2 Rods 18 Uk

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SPRO. Catalogo Rods & Poles [UK] by ToRRiJoN - Issuu.

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It spro pantera feeder 3 45m free the objective of our CEO and our global philosophy to develop high-tech products for specialists without having a negative effect on nature and the environment during the development, production and the use of the product. Gamakatsu is constantly looking for alternative ways to improve existing products and to develop new innovative products. Always with the aim to create products that not only match the demand of the market but that exceed consumer demand and with the тебя!

adobe illustrator cc 2015 free for windows 7 free нужные of setting new trends. Gamakatsu Rods All Gamakatsu spinning and boat rods are tested and equipped with the best components currently available. Apart from its unique and high quality Gamakatsu hooks and fishing lines, Gamakatsu is also known for its distinguished series of rods; built to Japanese quality standards and designed for the European market. A selection of spinning rods for saltwater and freshwater spro pantera feeder 3 45m free fishing, for trout fishing and boat fishing at sea.

We believe that under circumstances they even perform better than more expensive top rods that are currently available, but judge for yourself. Cheetah-R rods spro pantera feeder 3 45m free produced with a special combination of the best pre-impregnated carbon fibers to realize its phenomenal strength, action and light weight.

The extensive series varies from light to extra heavy blanks to offer the spro pantera feeder 3 45m free a wider choice to match his fishing style. All blanks feature an extra strong spigot ferrule except for the MH and XH, these rods have a put-over joint for a more parabolic action. The blanks are finished with a Portuguese cork grip with a rubber cork cone and a foldable hook keeper for safe transport. Ideal for avid anglers in pursuit of Zander and Trout.

The lightweight blank combined with a fast but sensitive tip action makes it the best choice for on-the-go fishermen. The blank structure allows for accurate casting, rapid hook setting and fighting big Pike. The 96XH has a sensitive tip that will still feel any careful bite yet solidly setting the hook in the blink of an eye. The high-powered butt section withstands spro pantera feeder 3 45m free the strongest fight of any big saltwater species, such as Cod.

Besides its unique casting abilities it is proven to be a best-buy for deadbait fishing. The tip action allows the angler to let big Pike take the bait, tighten the line and нажмите сюда curving the tip so as to automatically hook into the fish; big Pike have no chance of letting go of their prey. The forgiving action will combat to the end until the angler safely lands the fish.

The stiff butt allows the angler to give a bit of extra stick when big Cod tries to escape to the deep. Gamakatsu Anessa The accuracy of the Anessa blanks is simply phenomenal; it allows for a shotgunapproach. The observant angler will locate any movement on the water surface and cast a lure accurately for a predator to strike. This approach requires a supreme accuracy that is offered by any of the Anessa rods. The extended stylish, parted bottom grip is especially designed for long-distance casting.

All rods come with spro pantera feeder 3 45m free laser cut aluminum flat cone and a hook keeper for safe and easy transportation. It offers a superbly accurate casting ability for lures up to about 50gr. Possibly one of the best performing blanks in the Anessa series. The ideal fighting tool where the avid angler is always in charge over massive Pike and Zander during any aggressive fights. The reinforced butt is stiff enough to handle underhand casting from a boat when sea fishing for Cod.

The Anessa XH is up for the job! Gamakatsu Zexxer Zexxer rods are designed in close consultation with Henk Simonsz to be assured of the latest trends and actions for a vast majority of avid anglers. Errorless blanks for serious anglers in search of predators such as Pike and Zander.

The stiff handle allows for jerkbaiting also with lures of up to about 65gr easily. The Zexxer 63H has enough power to set the hook fast and hard enough to land big fish! With great precision the bait can be presented and thanks to the sensitivity of these microsoft office word 2010 advanced tutorial free carbon blanks the angler can closely monitor every movement.

These Zexxer rods are developed for perch angling but we have reinforced the handle so that it can be used for pike and zander too. Fishing this kind of heavy hardbait is often a tiring hobby especially because the rod is heavy too.

The Zexxer 68XXH is kept lightweight to ensure the angler does not sense any fatigue to his arm or shoulder. The sensitive tip action spro pantera feeder 3 45m free it almost impossible to foul hook or to lose a big fish. Besides these techniques the rods are also ideal for deadbait fishing. No Pike will escape from this Active-Fast action!

This rod, despite its longer length, is highly sensitive allowing for controlled fishing of the lure over the bottom or over weed beds.

Even the most careful bites are registered. The butt section is reinforced to be able to overpower pike and zander too. IPS reel seat. Code Gamakatsu Sfida A spinning rod series specifically developed for Trout and Посетить страницу источник fishing. Gamakatsu Sfida rods are precision-built with a combination of different highmodulus preimpregnated carbon fibers to reach its unsurpassed quality, strength and action.

All rods are equipped with a stylish laser cut flat cone and a hook keeper for safe and easy transportation. However lightweight, the action of this blank is firm enough to combat the fish and take charge in order to securely land the hooked fish. Whether they are spoons or plugs, this rod is the perfect choice for its tip action. Spro pantera feeder 3 45m free do not get fooled by the light action for the butt section is stiff enough to hook up and fight aggressive Trout and Zander.

It casts virtually any applicable lure when spinning for Trout and Zander and is built to solidly set the hook. The forgiving action when fighting fish allows using a slightly thinner line for better lure presentation. This longest blank in the Sfida range features a fast action for accurate casting but offers plenty of sensitivity and control over the lure and hooked fish. All blanks come with a durable high-quality EVA grip. The longer tip section joints the shorter handle to optimize the action.

The stiff butt allows for aggressive fights with the strongest of deep sea fish. Record fish are the absolute target. Besides a wide assortment and durability of the products, Spro also stands for perfect value for money ratio. We always try to work with the best available materials at an affordable price. A well-known and established name within the carp scene. A brand of high quality and innovation within the spro pantera feeder 3 45m free carp fishing scene.

Strategy X-Ray We asked our Carp Consultants to join forces and come up with the best specifications for a top-end carp rod. The result: the Strategy X-Ray!

The Strategy X-Ray has been designed with the view to select the best available quality of each rod spro pantera feeder 3 45m free and to carefully adapt this to each other to create an optimal balance, action and casting capacity. The used 40T radial carbon is the ideal material for the production of a high worthy carp rod. Because the carbon mats spro pantera feeder 3 45m free pressed under an enormous pressure, the power built-up of the rod is that good that the change of breakage has been minimized.

This also means that such a light rod is suitable for casting to cast large distances and allows excellent hook setting at long range as well! Alconite guides are lighter, stronger and more durable as conventional guides and reduce the resistance during the cast. The special designed Aluminum Oxide frames ensure that the risk of tangling of the mainline around the starting guide is reduced and that the inner rings are optimally protected against damages.

The reelseat is lined with a mini-foam grip at the bottom and an ergonomic butt grip with laser cut cone, for optimal comfort in drill and casting. Spro pantera feeder 3 45m free X-Rays are developed and produced with the high care and spro pantera feeder 3 45m free for carp angling; spro pantera feeder 3 45m free are assured that the angler will value these rods as much as our consultants do!

Strategy Guardian The series consists of смотрите подробнее different carp rods in the most popular lengths and test curves. The Guardian rods are made from one of the highest quality carbon materials for the fishing rod industry.

The luxurious but simple looks are striking. No shiny blank, but a half matt black coating that gives these rods a modern stealthy look. A light blank with 7 SiC guides ensure that the rods have an excellent curve.

It casts perfectly yet it is sophisticated enough for a fine and secure fight with specimen carp. Furthermore, the rods feature a slim reel seat with carbon-look rubber coating. This makes it complete. In conclusion, the Guardian is a rod that is not notable for the appearance, but remarkable for its excellent performance.

The semi-parabolic action offers superb pleasure in the fight without compromising on control over big fish. An ideal allrounder. A powerrod with ultra strong handle part which improves hooksetting and control over the fish on long distance.

The unique casting abilities of this tangy blank come from the power structure created by the combination of special carbon materials. The appearance of the Spod rod is the same as the Guardian carp rods. It features a luxurious semi-matt appearance, spro pantera feeder 3 45m free slim reel seat with rubber coating and an extra large 50 starting guide.

An ideal casting tool that is ready for a tough job It will spro pantera feeder 3 45m free heavy spods over a long range, achieving what it is spro pantera feeder 3 45m free for. Whether near or far, heavy or light spods; the Guardian Spod it up for it. Strategy Nero When an ultra-modern design is combined with the best components and input of our carp specialists, this results in an absolute eye-catcher and a fantastic casting- and fighting rod: the Spro pantera feeder 3 45m free Nero!

Important features are the 6 guides; these are large in diameter and extra strengthened to prevent any damage and tangling of the line during the cast. The tip guide is fixed on the rod by a special procedure that guarantees that the line will not get any opportunity to tangle around the tip. An absolute must to realize far and accurate casts! Besides powerful casting because of the choice of guides and blank, no concessions have been made regarding the action, power and absorption of the rod.

The semi-parabolic action combines the power in the handle part during the cast and drill with the absorbing features of the tip.

This allows the use of the full potential of the rod during the cast and helps to control the fish in the fight, even at long distance. You will be surprised by the characteristics of the rod and its price tag! Besides the conventional transparent dark red surfcam 2015 r2 free this rod features SiC TS guides and a strong graphite reelseat.


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